Is it God’s will for me to have this?

My mother died June 24th, 1986 . I was 13 years old on my way to 8th grade. Later that summer, I remember going to football practice and telling my good friend my mom had died over the summer. He voiced his sympathy. The tone in his voice told me I wasn’t the only child whom she showed her unique motherly love to. It was a nice thought to know at that time. My mother was 34 years old when she died. Her birthday was coming up in July. My grandmother and aunt also died the previous year during August. My father’s (her son) birthday is on August 10th. Another aunt on my mother’s side also died in 1988. Her husband was my mom’s brother. Her and my mother were like sisters. Needless to say 1985-1988 were rough. In 1987, I accepted the Lord. I did not have a spiritual foundation. I was a babe in Christ.

At my mother’s death, the list of ailments I can recall were: rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes type 1, and hypertension. My mother took steroids prescribed by the doctors to combat the arthritis. This aged her organs and body to an elderly woman. Her body could not fight anymore. She fought very long against the disease. The timing of her death was accelerated when a large man stepped on her foot at a Catholic church bizarre (I think that is what it was called?). Bizarres were huge potlucks and get togethers. The ones I went to also had beer. Her foot was lacerated. The wound did not heal and gangrene developed. I remember going to a Pentecostal church and a healing evangelist was there. He and several elders prayed for my mother. Many of her fingers straightened out, her diabetes disappeared, and her arches grew back. This was a miracle.

Of course, the enemy does what he does and came back to steal, kill and destroy. With no spiritual foundation in Christ for my father, mother or their marriage. The healing slowly disappeared. The gospel of Luke speaks of the enemy taking the Word out of the heart, Luke 8:12. Along with the healing disappearing came frustration and everything else the enemy could try to use for leverage.

After the gangrene developed, one toe was amputated. Then another. The last time we were at the hospital the doctor said we will need to cut off the foot from the ankle down. My mother and father cried. My mother began to tell my father of the routine to call the friends and relatives she was in the hospital. My father was use to the routine. He had taken her so many times to the emergency room, doctor visits, and inpatient surgeries. My father loved my mother. They were the best of friends and worst enemies at times, but I knew they loved each other deeply. My father rescued my mom and believe it or not my mom rescued my dad.

When I heard my mom mention ‘the call the relative routine’ I heard her saying good-bye in this lifetime. When I heard this, I yelled loudly, “No!” My father interpreted it as opposition to making the phone calls, but I meant no to my mother going away. Later that day, she died and I saw her body and held her cold hand. You could tell she was so tired. I prayed for her with what I thought was faith, but she was gone. Previous to this, she died on the operating table three times and came back. This time she was ready. I don’t blame her. I understand now. A core part of who I am today is her.

So, do I think it was God’s will that my mother die? No. I believe given the circumstances what happened has happened. What I do believe with all my heart is she is not dead. She is asleep, Matt. 9:24, Mark 5:39, Acts 7:60. There is a huge difference. My mother is alive with the Lord in glory! She is not dead. I know this deeply in my heart now. I have great hope and assurance in my heart of where she is. I know she is with the Lord. I really know this. At one point, I believed the words I read in the bible and knew my mom accepted the Lord in her heart, but now it is much different. I KNOW. I just know it.

What about all that my mom went through and the diseases? Was that God’s will? No, John 9:1-3, 1 Tim. 2:4. 1 Tim. 2:4, speaks of salvation. The Greek word for salvation means made whole spirit, soul and body.

Was it possible that my mother could have been made whole physically? Most definitely. Why wasn’t she? The faith to move mountains was not fully matured yet. As mentioned before, the enemy attempts to steal the seed, the Word.

Next question. Will I or my children, grandchildren, or any future generation ‘inherent’ rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes type 1, and hypertension. No. Disease and sickness speak of a curse. If I believe John 3:16 then I also believe what John 3:16 accomplishes, Galatians 3:13. Christ was actually made a curse for me and whosoever so we would no longer be under a curse ever! Revelation 22:3. Also, if the power of death does not have power over Christ in me then how could a curse? In Christ, if I can’t die, then how can disease much less have any power? If it did then I’d have rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes type 1, and hypertension. I believe a good diet and exercise profit a little, but godliness by grace through faith is ultimately what truly profits. The benefits of godliness are eternal. Diet and exercise are only in this life.

Lastly, I remember a few years back I was either approaching 30 years of age or was already. My wife and I were having car problems. It was night with cold drizzling rain. I went to look under my car to see what was wrong. The car was okay. When I got up I had a peculiar ache in my wrists. The same area my mother’s arthritis started. I actually heard a whisper in my mind, “This is the beginning of arthritis.” It almost sounded like I imagined it, but I didn’t. It was so subtle. I thought to myself the truth of Galatians 3:13 and said to myself, “I am not under a curse. Jesus is my all in all. He did it all for me.” The pain dissipated. I did not question or entertain the thought later because I stood on the Word in me. The Word fell on good soil in my heart. 2 Cor. 10:5.

As far as the future health of my family, I have Psalms 33:11, 89:1, 89:4, 100:5, 102:12, 105:8, 119:90, 1 Peter 1:23 to stand on. There are many more scripture references, but that’ll do.

I am persuaded that the Word in me will not only continue in future family generations as it has already up to me, but will also grow more into the full stature of Christ. This will occur according to His promise and grace and not because of me. It already has occurred. I am living proof. To back it up, I recently discovered in some genealogy research that my German ancestors were members of the local parish council (elders) and one went to school with Martin Luther. When I discovered this it reaffirmed in me what I already knew. That God’s word is incorruptible and continues through all generations.

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