Zoe life

2 Tim. 1:1 says, “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus…”

You could say Paul was a metabolite of the revelation of Christ in him. The revelation was consuming, digesting, metabolizing, diffusing and apprehending him from the inside out. This was all happening by the will of God. By grace, he grew to an understanding in the will of God by this internal revelation of Christ according to the word, Col. 1:9. The effect of this unearthly knowledge and understanding of His will compelled him into being who he was. His life was hid in Christ, Col. 3:3. That is how he was an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God. The sacrifice and life of Christ which was promised before time began, Tit. 1:2, was Paul’s life. The below excerpt from Blue Letter Bible gives an awesome explanation of why Jesus died. It was to impart His Life! The offering of His blood and life was not only sacrificial, but it was also an impartation. He is the Last Adam. No more Adamic creations are needed after Him. He said it is finished. He provides access directly to the Father!

Zoe – Greek word for life

Quote from BLB:

Death came through sin, Rom. 5:12, which is rebellion against God. Sin thus involved the forfeiting of the “life.” “The life of the flesh is in the blood,” Lev. 17:11. Therefore the impartation of “life” to the sinner must be by a death caused by the shedding of that element which is the life of the flesh. “It is the blood that maketh atonement by reason of the life” (id., RV). The separation from God caused by the forfeiting of the “life” could be removed only by a sacrifice in which the victim and the offerer became identified. This which was appointed in the typical offerings in Israel received its full accomplishment in the voluntary sacrifice of Christ. The shedding of the blood in the language of Scripture involves the taking or the giving of the “life.” Since Christ had no sins of his own to die for, His death was voluntary and vicarious, John 10:15 with Isa. 53:5, 10, 12; 2 Cor. 5:21. In His sacrifice He endured the Divine judgment due to man’s sin. By this means the believer becomes identified with Him in His deathless “life,” through His resurrection, and enjoys conscious and eternal fellowship with God.

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