Wishy-washy, indecisive love

Today, 01/17/10, my son Aaron’s birthday and interesting thought came to mind, “Love does not change its mind.” John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son..” So, has the Father or Jesus changed their mind since? Nope. He never will either. How could I make such a claim. Read Romans, 1 Corinthians 13. Due to the intrinsic DNA, essence and nature of love it is incapable of being wishy-washy or indecisive.

What is the proof of such love? The Father sent His only begotten Son into time. Mary conceived Jesus through the Holy Spirit. Jesus was born of a woman, under the law, grew in wisdom and grace. He became a man. He became filled with the Spirit. He began His ministry. He called the apostles. He was became a curse for all our sin, was without sin, was a sacrifice without blemish, crucified, shed His blood, went and preached Himself in Sheol, ascended out of Sheol, resurrected, was witnessed by over 500 people at once, ascended on High, was glorified and sat down at the right hand of the Father. He did this while we were still in our sins. Why? God is love. In Christ, was the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Christ was and is love. He is love become flesh. John says He is the word become flesh. He is the revelation of love in bodily form. He is more than that.

In all of this, He did not hesitate or change His mind one time. He said in Heb. 10:7, “Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.”

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