When did I think that?

Builds a little on When does the law judge?

Today, I saw that vain imaginations from self (the old self) are bent on that old nature. The old nature predicates on time. Why is this significant? John said, “And the Word became flesh.” Paul said, “That I might attain the resurrection from the dead.” So, that who wouldn’t die anymore or flesh becoming eternal word, Rom. 12:1-3. Jesus said, “I am the Resurrection and the Life.” “That you might have life and have it more abundantly.” His life is not death-conscious, Rom. 8:1-3. It is not possible for it to be. That is not His nature. He is the Life, 1 John 1:1. Light does not stop overtaking darkness once it is shone. All things work together according to the counsel of His will to those called according to His purpose, 2 Cor. 10:5. We walk intrinsically in the Spirit and not according to the flesh. Even though we live in earth suits and these earth suits live on earth. The suits though are also affected by this Life: healing, resurrection, deliverance and so on. Jesus walked around after He resurrected and Mary, the men on the road to Emmaus,  Peter and the other apostles, did not recognize Him, but when He spoke He spoke spirit and life. John 6:63, “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.” This is quickened, living words straight from the Father and His fullness. Greek gender example – the sword is the spirit or Spirit. Something changed dramatically in His earth suit that they did not recognize Him. This was also before His glorification that John mentions in Rev. 1:14-17.

So, vain imaginations, lofty things, the past originate from this time. Faith that comes by hearing, revelation, comes from eternity. Our hope is stored away in heaven, Col. 1:5. Hope predicates on faith. Faith comes by hearing then hearing the quickened rhema1 word. Faith, hope and love remain. They are eternal and unto godliness and our heavenly citizenship according to the grace and knowledge through Jesus Christ the Chief Apostle and Lamb of God.

Once a sacrifice was made and blood was poured the High Priest could enter in freely. Thoughts that come through a defiled conscience and blamed heart are tainted with the fingerprints of the motive of works and condemnation. If the conscience is purged and sanctified the motive is ever-purified in Him unto good works and the thoughts are not bent on the old motive anymore. This is the affect of the revelation of His work, Him and His grace in us. It is passive and not based on me or even my expectations of me.

If and when those self-expectations try to arise the root could be several things:

  • vain imagination
  • thought provoked by
    • the law
    • emotion
    • hurt
  • bad doctrine
  • another gospel
  • anything contrary to Christ or His influence in us

Paul was apprehended by the supernatural purging of his conscience that he says in Romans 7:24, “What a wretched man I am! WHO will rescue me from this body of death? ” and in 1 Cor. 15:56-57, “The sting of death [is] sin; and the strength of sin [is] the law. But thanks [be] to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

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