What does usurping look like?

This blog builds on the previous blog, Usurp.

I was wondering and praying about how does usurping manifest or what does it look like? I recieved an email from a brother in the Lord last night. He said he was at church and the pastor said the letters on the church sign kept blowing off and the pastor kept having to run out towards and even onto the highway. My friend yelled out, “The letter kills brother!” I thought that was so funny. He was referring to 2 Cor. 3:6.

This resonated in me this morning, “The letter kills.” And then it dawned on me. This is a type of manifestation of usurping. If I ‘put law’ on my spouse, brother or sister in Christ then this could turn into ‘law’. Some might respond, “So what?”

You don’t want law on your back. You want grace. Law brings to life the old nature. It empowers sin. It can only judge and condemn. It eventually brings you to Christ by your inability to fulfill it. It kills you, Rom. 7:11! Our righteousness is by His faith in us through grace.

I believe Revelation 2:20-24 also speaks of usurping. Revelation speaks of the woman Jezebel, but usurping is impartial to either gender.

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