Unnecessary Weight

Judge not lest ye be judged.

The verse came to a new light in my spirit today.

I see this. When I judge someone I am projecting at them what is above me or what I perceive to be under. And in fact, I may be totally unaware of the personal ordinance or expectation I am under at the time because I have allowed it to be there for so long. I have yet to realize its existence.

When I judge someone or myself I am bringing out into this realm what is upon or in my heart (a hidden written law). In doing so, I am being judged with that same intrinsic law.

My fallen and unregenerate nature desires to come back to life and to be enlivened by the power of the law whether it be through self-righteousness, stubbornness and or rebellion.

Hence the second chapter of Romans, in which Paul says that those who judge do those things which they judge others for. And that is based on what? For Gentiles, it is based on the self-imposed law written on the individual’s heart. Paul also speaks on other letters of being separated from this wretched man, that which was contrary to our true nature and against us and making the two one who had a wall of hostility in between them.

Now, some twenty years later, I see that Jesus says so much when He speaks. That is a bit obvious. The Spirit of God is the Oracle of infinite facets of revelation within the same black and white letters.

From a gospel perspective, the four in particular, I see Jesus saying over and over in various ways that He is the Way period.

Romans says He is the end of the law. Makes sense. In the Hebrew mind eternity is to look into the horizon, get to that destination and look to the next horizon. Given that, He, Christ, is the end of the law, but there is another horizon which is the ‘two’ made into One New Man, the Last Adam.

This new man is the Word made flesh, full of grace and truth, with all the fullness of God in Him. And now, dwells in those who believe in Him.

The desire of the old ‘sin’ nature is disempowered when the conscience is purged and sanctified. The old man is buried in Christ. The work of sanctification is a process of a lifetime one day and moment at a time transforming flesh into word unto glorification.

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