Uncharted universes

In my opinion, if we truly were created in the image of God then there are several implications. Here is one that comes to mind. When the Father sent His Son to manifest life in a fleshly body the bible says, “The Word became flesh.” Christ is also called the, “First and the Last. Alpha and Omega.” He is also called the last Adamic Pattern even though He is the first and the last and has pre-eminence in all things. The grace-enabled act of me believing this causes something spiritually monumental (a small limited description) to happen. At the moment I believe by grace, my spirit person is completely made whole, saved, renewed and made alive in God-kind of way. When I say the God-kind of way I mean life in every way unto overflowing insomuch death in non-existent because life overwhelms it or absorbs it.

Amdromeda Galaxy – One galaxy of ~100 billion observable galaxies in this universe

My spirit is saved. The Spirit of God communicates to my spirit by truth, light and revelation of the word. This has an effect on my soul and person. My soul nature changes supernaturally because of the effect of God’s nature in His Son in me by His Spirit. I am a new creation growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ. This effect or manifestation in the soul has a supernatural effect on my body.

A brother told me something recently and I believe it. He said, “We have universes in our DNA.” What!? We have universes of God’s fullness in our DNA that are being unveiled by Christ in us. In Christ, all fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily. He lives in me now by His Spirit. This fullness is growing everyday all the time by His grace exponentially with no bounds. This is life. This life is genuine and more real than real.

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