Truth sets me free not Abilify

I do not take or have taken Abilify1. Medication and drugs only address the symptoms of the body and soul, but not the dead spirit. Truth addresses the root or source. Truth sets me free not psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, therapeutic/remedy books, ancient herbs, mystical crystals, physical fitness, standing on one foot, the moon, stars, or planets and so on.

We are triune beings: spirit, soul and body. For some reason, only the soul and body are focused on in secular society. I believe if our spirit is dead then why would we be aware of it? Prior to knowing Christ, through Him revealing Himself, and not a Sunday school lesson or mythical story, but life-changing revelation, we were dead in our trespasses, Eph. 2:1-6.

I have done many of the aforementioned ‘remedies’ or recommendations above. They seem to work for a little while, but really don’t in the long run. Otherwise, I would have stopped looking if one of them was the ‘fix all’ solution.

Jesus is the way.

I used to think if Jesus was ‘the way’ then I would have to be religious and churchy. I do not perceive the Holy Spirit compelling me to do some of the things I see in church sometimes which makes me ask why is it happening then?

Paul speaks of a righteous revealed from faith to faith in Rom. 1:17. This is what I want. In this “righteousness” revealed, which is His nature, but more, I see me. I see Christ in me and me in Him. It is not churchy or weird, but normalcy. Normalcy with all adventure. I can’t see an infinite God being boring or calling us into boredom. That is a lie from the pit of Hell.

Jesus came to give His live and for us to partake of His life to the fullest to overflowing.

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