Why should I trust you?

Hebrews 10:1, “For the law, having a shadow of the good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with these same sacrifices, which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach perfect.”

I realized today when I trust someone I tend to expect ONLY honesty in return. This is not trust. I have trusted like this because I don’t want to get hurt, but end up getting hurt anyways because of this expectation. I am trusting based on my past hurts. These past hurts cloud my expectation of trust. This is not trusting. It is control. The past hurts alter my motive to trust. My motive to trust then becomes selfish based on my expectation. In the long run, this expectation is rooted in fear and the end result is hurt and pain. This is a deception and a unnecessary cycle of emotional heartache. In my life, I have expected this in family, church, police, medical, government and the list goes on. I also see when the world betrays me I have even tried to blame God! In reality, He has not fallen off the throne or changed. His ways and thoughts are not ours. That is for sure. People will always fail me, but He won’t. That is amazing. He is truth and truth does not lie or change.

If I expect others to be honest or trustworthy towards me then truly how can I trust them? With this perspective, I can’t really trust anyone. The greater the expectation of trust the greater the betrayl. Those in authority posses more responsibility and accountability. It is easier for me judge someone in authority if they are supposed to know better. So, the tendency for me is to earn that trust. If I earn their trust then I value myself on their trust and opinion of me. If I make choices based on their opinion then I am a slave to their thoughts. I am reminded of Galatians 4. Christ has set me free from this judgment of myself and others. He could have judged and condemned me, but desires a relationship with me that will grow in trust (on my part). So, what does He do? He enters into this world and becomes like me, dies for me, preaches peace in Sheol (hell), comes back to life, preaches more, ascends into heaven, is glorified and sits down forever as my High Priest granting me free access to have an eternal relationship with Him and the Father of our spirits. It doesn’t get any better. God is love. Knowing this love gives me everything I ever desired. His love surpasses all knowledge.

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