I can’t touch the bottom

Biblically speaking, a better example would be a river, but I wanted to give a picture of finite depth. I didn’t confirm this, but this is the deepest pool in the world in Belgium. Its depth can go up to 108 feet. In some ways, the blog will sound similar to Rip Current.

In Ephesians 3:8, Paul speaks of unsearchable riches in Christ. Ezekiel saw a river that could not be crossed because of the current. Jesus spoke of living waters that will flow from our belly. The word unsearchable here means ‘that cannot be searched out’. The riches of Christ cannot be searched out because infinity has no end.

Hebrews 6:19 says, ” Which [hope] we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil;” The word anchor here means anchor. Here is the catch. An anchor must connect with the bottom of the ocean floor. The writer of Hebrews says Hope is the anchor. What is hope? Hope hinges on faith. The substance of faith creates hope or a non-stop, constant, all the time, eager expectation. Both hope and faith are not self-imposed or self-imported. If they are then they are not faith or hope. It is self-imposed spirituality which is not part of the true Gospel. This is what Paul may be referring to in Colossians 2:18 when talking about ‘voluntary humility.’ Self-imposed spirituality can frustrate the grace of God, Galatians 2:21.

Back to the anchor for the soul, Hope. Colossians 2:6-7 (similar to Ephesians 3:17) says,

As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, [so] walk ye in him: rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.”

Friends have suggested I input personal experience. Great suggestion. Thanks.

Lately, when revelation of the Word comes it goes to a depth in my soul I can only describe as ‘eternal depth.’ And this depth gets deeper! It establishes me more in Him! The most awesome thing about this is that I am not the instigator of it! This creates so much assurance in me and peace. I can almost see this Mariana Trench in me with no bottom. It stretches and stretches. In my natural mind and intellect I am waiting for it to hit bottom, but by faith I have understanding that it won’t! Whoa! The anchor will anchor itself across the universe. Personally, I believe the universe does not have an end. It was created by an Immortal, Eternal, Infinite Creator. In my opinion, He doesn’t create small things. I believe in our fallen nature we attempt to apply self-imposed spirituality on an Infinite, Eternal, Immortal Creator.

So, in the ‘biblical river’ we don’t touch the bottom because:

  • The current is too strong
  • It is too deep
  • We are not tall enough
  • Eventually, the river will drown you by design. So, you won’t know you touched the bottom because you’re dead or it doesn’t matter anymore.

All of these four bullets agree and say the bottom of the river or pool was not meant to be touched by human hands. In Christ, “…we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.” Ephesians 3:12

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