Don’t touch me

This blog is about a phrase that I’d hear sometimes from Benny Hinn. I remember in 1991, when a sister in the Lord, Ruth, was watching a “healing televangelist” on t.v. named Benny Hinn. She told me, “Hey Trent, you ever seen Benny Hinn?” Nope, I hadn’t. I was 19 years old.

I accepted the Lord in my heart in the summer of 1987. I was a babe in Christ and thought I knew everything. I still hadn’t dealt with my mother’s death or things in my childhood. I did not have a spiritual foundation established. I can say for me personally, that discipleship is a must. I need it. Otherwise, I am a mess. Disciple means “learner.” So, you become and do what you learn because of Who He is in you. The willfulness to ‘do’ is Christ in you by His faith through grace.

Since I did not not have an established foundation I stumbled, became frustrated and rebelled thinking no one understood me. Got into drugs, drinking, and sex. Deep down inside I was not aware how numb my heart was or how much pain I had not dealt with. Like a previous blog, “Ticket to heaven“, that’s what thought salvation in Christ was. Man, was I wrong.

I have gotten off on a tangent here, but that’s okay it is a blog. So, along comes a guy named Josh into my life when I am at one of several rebellious, confused, angry stages in my life. Josh is Ruth’s brother. Josh introduces me to Narcisso (Narc) while I am tripping out on two tabs of double dipped acid and a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20. Josh was trying to get me back into the sheepfold. He did.

This was my first reconciliation of many with the Lord. I have come to realize reconciliation does not change. The work of reconciliation is His completed work. Me reconciling was something I felt I needed to do ‘to get me back on track.’ Christ did not fall of the throne. He didn’t go anywhere. My see-saw testimony of Him was horrible, but His love did not change. This still boggles my brain. Over the years, when I ‘reconcile’, many times I expect Him to say, “Now, that’s it. I’ve had it with you. Nope, not this time”, but He doesn’t. His immutable and unchanging mercy and goodness continually works repentance in me unto godliness, Romans 2:4.

So, it’s 1991, and I am part of a church youth group. This was actually new to me. I was not aware that other teenagers loved Jesus too. This was a wonderful surprise. This youth group welcomed me like I was a long lost relative. Man, what a beautiful memory I will always cherish. These people are my spiritual family and will always have a very deep, special place in my heart.

Finally, back to the Benny Hinn. I had never seen someone move in the gifts of the Spirit. In his meetings, people would walk out wheel chairs, blind see, deaf hear, etc. I went to one of his meetings in San Antonio. It was interesting.

When I saw these healings and miracles happening on t.v. i was awestruck, energized, and inspired. Perhaps you could say at that time, that some Christians viewed Benny Hinn as the Christian Michael Jordan. Now that I am a little older, I have a different opinion than I did when I was younger. Christ is the Who He is in any believer. Benny Hinn is just a man who moves in the gifts. I learned to be motivated by grace and not sight. Jesus talks in the gospels about those looking for signs, Luke 11:29.

Well, I remember Mr. Hinn would say while under the anointing of the Spirit, “Don’t touch me” to the members of the audience who were brought to the platform to give their testimony. I suppose he could be referring to Christ and the woman with the issue of blood who touched the hem of His garment and the issue of blood stopped, Luke 8:43-48.

Jesus said, “Who touched me?” Benny Hinn said, “Don’t touch me.”

In Luke 8:43-48, Jesus said he perceived ‘virtue’ had gone out of Him. I believe Benny Hinn said, “Don’t touch me” to possibly maintain the anointing so it wouldn’t leak out so to speak. To me, the motive here could appear as fear, “Don’t touch me!” When Jesus tells Thomas touch His hands and side, John 20:27.

I believe Jesus said, “Who touched me?” because He wanted to know who had so much faith. He hadn’t seen much faith in His ministry and this most definitely caught His attention. Many others inadvertently touched Him in the crowd, but when this woman touched Him in faith virtue left Him. I am of the opinion, that all of Christ’s virtue could not “leak” out of Him if hypothetically everyone in the crowd was dead and touched Him. He would resurrect them all. Colossians 1:9, 2:9 state that all fullness of the Godhead bodily dwells in Christ. In His fullness, there is nothing lacking whatsoever. Nothing.

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