Old is gone. Total detachment.

on 12/21/09, I saw and am seeing when the word says I am a new creation in Christ or that the old is gone it really means it more than I ever thought! Paul says in Rom. 7:24-25, “24 O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? 25 I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!” The body of this death. This sounds like someone trapped and wanting to escape. I believe Paul says this in regard to our spiritual state and lives prior to salvation and NOT post-salvation. The suggestion of pre-salvation conflicts with all of his other writings and overall core doctrine.

Recently, I have encountered a situation in which the best and really only resolution was and is forgiveness. It took me a while to figure out why I felt the way I did, but clarity revealed itself. I thought to myself, “I think I can do this.” I remember a while back the Lord told me, ” I give you the willingness, but you make the choice.” I make the choice because I am not a robot, but a living soul and person like the first Adam as well as a quickening or ever-life giving spirit like the Last Adam Christ. Love is a willing choice…”For God so loved the world.” God is not a robot. He IS love.

When I made the decision to forgive which is daily not once in a blue moon, I saw something. I saw that I can’t stay angry, bitter, resentful and the like. It really bothers me. Are you serious? Why? Hmmm, maybe because of what I initially stated in the first paragraph. The old is gone and a new creation is truly a new creation in Christ! Even if I wasn’t saved it would still bother me, but I would not be able to genuinely forgive because forgiveness had yet to be revealed to me.

When the old nature died its motive died. The motive ‘to die’ died. Huh? The old man’s nature is bent and predicated on self-imposed law. Fear, guilt and condemnation is the expectation of self-imposed law. Self-imposed law empowers sin or the manifestation of the flesh. In essence, this could be the motive to die.

The motive, desire and willingness to not want to stay resentful and bitter, but to forgive is Him in me. Paul says in Philippians 3, “Not having a righteousness (based on self-imposed law) of my own, but a righteousness by Christ’s faith in me.” The impartation of this divine nature is supernatural and spiritual. It is through the Holy Spirit of promise by whom we are sealed. The impartation of His divine nature diffuses into the believer by revelation of Him.

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