
Matt. 18:33-34, “Should you not also have had compassion on your fellow servant, just as I had pity on you?’ And his master was angry, and delivered him to the torturers until he should pay all that was due to him.”

First off, in my humble opinion, I believe the the Gospels are technically the Old Testament and occurred under the Old Covenant. When did the New Covenant and Church begin?

So, I believe the Gospels are evangelistic. Is there word and revelation in the Gospels for the believer? There most definitely is, but the admonition is not to mix old wine into new wine-skins and to rightly divide the word of truth as ministers of the New Covenant.

Matthew 18:34 says, “…delivered him to the torturers until he should pay all that was due to him.” Who are the torturers? I believe when the Lord spoke His words that they had manifold meaning. In this particular case, I think torturers could be a number of things. The word in the Greek is properly, “the torturer” which is singular. I believe this torturer is the law written in our hearts prior to knowing that is the One Who purges our conscience from the judgment and penalty of the law.

Now, that I am be honest with myself I think the Lord told me this morning, “Forgiveness comes through you.” He is the Forgiver coming through and I am the vessel partaking in the truth and light of this grace. I am under grace and do not judge myself, 1 Cor. 4:3-4. I can only forgive as He has revealed Himself, Love and His forgiveness to and IN me, Eph. 4:32. This forgiveness comes through the believer into the world. It is not ethereal, but does sit with Him who sits on the throne of grace.

This is what I saw as far as being “”…delivered him to the torturers until he should pay all that was due to him.”

I cannot set myself free. Only Jesus can pay the price. I can’t pay it and no one else can. We grow in the wonderful, life-changing knowledge and grace of Christ Jesus. In the is growth, I am changed and given all power to do things I could not do before like save myself, forgive, love.

The torturer is essentially the self-imposed judgment based on the law written in our hearts being witness by our conscience until the unveiled knowledge and simplicity of forgiveness is witnessed to our conscience in the holy blood of Christ.

The unsaved and those under the law (who shouldn’t be) are delivered to the torturer. Those under grace, walk by faith and revelation. For those under grace, the Lord reveals forgiveness to enable you to forgive. Either you are under grace or not. Who is he that condemns?

Thank you Lord.

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