Spiritually tired all week ready for Sunday

It seems to me that sometimes believers can’t wait for Wendsday, Saturday or Sunday church service for a number of reasons, but a different one came to mind today.

Before elaborating, I believe some go to hear or see the ministry of the Word. Some go to hear Christ proclaimed. Some healing, singing praise and worship songs, fellowship and serving. These are the reasons worth mentioning.

I also believe some go because being under the law all week will wear you out, Luke 11:46 (NLT). When I sing, fellowship, and hear the Word my faith grows, I am filled, revelation occurs.

What if some believers were not “under the law” all week and then came into a service? What does this mean? Here are some previous blogs discussing legalism,

If you query “under the law” 7 pages of blogs will be displayed.

A generic definition of under law would be it will wear you out spiritually and kill you spiritually, Rom. 7:11. If this is true then this should be a real concern for my spiritual walk with Christ.

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