Different time zones

I realized today, 12/25/09, that if I try to keep my self or keep score in my spiritual walk that I am kind of in a way looking into the future and trying to predict what is going to happen when I don’t necessarily know. This is putting law on myself based on self-imposed law’s core. Faith and God’s nature is always now or present pluperfect tense. Also, if I am supposedly looking into the unknown future with a presumption or guess based on self-imposed law this could be related to fortune-telling1 which is not godly, but is witchcraft. Uh oh, there I go again. Well, isn’t that what it is? Samuel said, “Rebellion is as witchcraft…”

How is this witchcraft? What would I be rebelling against? Grace perhaps? Didn’t Paul say, “Who has bewitched you? Who has put a curse on you?” I would say even, “Who has put a spell on you?”

Faith is always Now, but it seems law and self-imposed law is time based which is limiting. The New Covenant is not time based. The Old Covenant is based on sacrificing animals in this fallen creation that is time based and uner the curse. The Mediator of the New Covenant came from outside of time into time and went back outside into eternity to be the our High Priest in the order of Melchizedek (King of Righteousness) forever. True righteousness is grace based through faith and revelation and not self-imposed law.

This reminds me of what I read today. Romans 8:2, ” 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.”

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