What time is it?

“Adam created the fallen (eventually sinful) nature and time itself at the Fall in the garden of Eden.”1

After reading this two years later, it seems that Adam in his willingness to knowingly eat the fruit from the knowledge of good and evil (functional and dysfunctional) he willingly separated himself from Life and was unable to redeem himself. His blood was not pure after not living by faith. He walked with the Messenger of our faith in the Garden. His blood was not able to purify his own conscience or wife’s conscience from the guilt and judgment he brought upon himself. He attempted to manage their image with hand-made fig leaves, but his conscience was still defiled and corrupted. Prior to the Fall, his conscience was pure. Him and Eve were not ashamed. Now the chief witness, his conscience, was on the witness stand making him constantly aware of his failure. Adam was scrambling for redemption, but unable to possess it. He could not afford redemption. He sold it for the cost of him and his wife’s life.  What a horrible feeling that is. To be under the guilt and judgment of the law or self-imposed law, self-accusation and have no hope. I testify to that every time I do the tango with religion or law. I experience that when I try to keep a small part of the law. Then according to Moses, I am obligated to keep it All. I have a potential to become neurotic with that at times.

When Adam separated himself from Life, he introduced fear (perfect love casts out fear) into this creation. This fear or lack of love is the curse Isaiah speaks of on this planet and the second heaven. This introduction of fear brought corruption. Both his and Eve’s immortal flesh began to slowly corrupt along with their way of thinking. They were no longer “knowing” through faith, but living from what they remembered in the Garden. Their hair eventually became gray. Wrinkles formed and death of the flesh eventually came.

I believe now we are born like the first Adam and when we receive salvation our spirit is made alive Again with All redemption because the Last Adam is a quickening Spirit. He quickens and gives His life (energy) over and over again by grace and revelation through His love. Our spirit is begotten again from above. The Father sends the Spirit of His Son into our hearts whereby we cry, “Abba, Father.” We cry relationship again and forever with Him. The word says, “And I will be their God and they will be my people.” His dwelling place will be with mankind again for eternity. Thank You Lord!

I believe everything we see is eternal, but corrupting and changing. All creation longs for the manifestation of the sons of God. I believe this manifestation is the believer partaking in the resurrection power of Christ and glory unveiled within us.

So, does time exist? I think the measure of corruption creates the perception of time. Peter says this life is a vapor compared to eternity. Physics says one over infinity approaches zero. Our lives compared to eternity is not a comparison because there isn’t one. I think the expectation of death and the guilt of the law can also create the perception of time as well. I wonder if Jesus was aware of time or even considered it like us? He said, “I am the Resurrection and the Life.” Why would He? If that is true and He is revealed in us now then why should I? Faith is always Now. Faith doesn’t dwell on the past, but expects good things constantly for the future. It doesn’t get disappointment. Love is always faithing.

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