
Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles. He ministered to Gentile Christians in Rome, Corinth, Galatia, Ephesus, Philippi, Colosse, Antioch, Thessalonica, and many others. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 12:28, “Apostles first, prophets second,…”

Who is the apostle to Austin, Texas? The general answer is Christ. True, but it was also Christ through Paul, Peter, and John to the early church. Why don’t we hear anymore of such people? Why is pastor, teacher, evangelist or even prophet (sometimes) acceptable, but God forbid an apostle? It seems like things were very different in the early church when they were around or accepted. Paul also said apostles were last in 1 Cor. 4:9. In the books of Acts, they turned the known world upside down, Acts 17:6. Why? How? It is the same doctrine and same Jesus preached today isn’t it? Is it? If so, then where is the church of Acts if it is?

There is a term for the five ministries mentioned in Eph. 4:11. Some call it the five fold ministry. In the Body of Christ, Paul mentions five ministries in Eph. 4:11 and not six or seven, but five.

Why do I have four fingers and a thumb? The thumb in some ways seems insignificant, but is the most-medial of all the digits of the hand. The thumb enables the hand to grip or grab things.

Wikipedia says the following about the thumb:

The thumb contrasts with each of the (other) four by being the only finger that:

  • Is opposable (only digit that can touch all other fingers)
  • Has two phalanges (bones) rather than three like the other fingers
  • Has its inmost phalanx so close to the wrist
  • Has much greater breadth and stubby proportions
  • Is attached to such a mobile metacarpus (which produces most of the opposability)

I am going to state the obvious. The human body has two arms, two legs and one head.

Christ indeed is the head, but the apostle Paul says, “We have the mind of Christ.”

How can the other four ministries be active, but one be obsolete? If that is true, then I could cut out other parts of scripture in the New Testament as well like John 3:16, but that would be absurd.

Hypothetically, if I had only three or four fingers to read a five digit/finger book then I would only read the book as a three or four finger book because I would only be aware or cognizant of the fingers I have always seen. It would be all I know. The world is not flat.

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