Thought life..

I am starting to believe revelation comes from motive. Quote from Arbitrator – thoughts.

So, what does the conscience perceive in positive thinking? “You better be positive. Be a good person. You must think positive. Why aren’t you thinking positive?” Doesn’t sound like pure motive to me. Only the holy blood of Christ can purify the conscience from the guilt, judgment and penalty of the law. In turn, motive is purified, thoughts are renewed by revelation. Once again, “The just shall live by His faith in them.” His faith comes by hearing and hearing the word, revelation. Faith deposits, diffuses into wisdom, knowledge and understanding and becomes you. We inherit His righteous nature. This nature comes by hearing the word.

Our motive in Christ is compelled and enabled by His grace and power.

Phil. 4:8 says, “…Think on these things.” The word think in the Greek is in present tense middle or passive deponent voice. Present tense meaning a continuous habitual action, but what is the catalyst? To “think” on these things is to actively do, but because of a passive influence. This is middle or passive deponent voice. This is key. Why? It is His enabling Power and Ability to those who believe. The same power that rose Him from the dead from the house of Sheol for our salvation is the same power that motivates and compels us in Him. This is good. Thank you Lord.

This supports 2 Cor. 10:5, “Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,”

Romans 12:2 says, “Be ye transformed.” “Transformed” in the Greek is in passive voice. It means to be transformed due to an external influence or even internal, Christ in you the Hope of Glory. It is akin to the metamorphosis of a caterpillar to butterfly. Even the motive of the butterfly has been changed due to its transformation. Glory! How much more in the hearts of men and women? One of the purposes of the caterpillar is to transform and be a butterfly and not to stay a caterpillar.

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