This is him?

Usually, I don’t write about stuff like this, but this is a blog. So, here it goes.

I while back, I’d say maybe 6-9 months or so, I fell asleep in the living room. Around 3 a.m., I woke up because I knew someone came into my house. Specifically, my living room. I woke up and looked towards the T.V. I knew something or someone very tall was in my house. I’d say between 9-10 feet tall. Not sure how I knew, but it I did. I will call it a familiar spirit. I believe familiar spirits are humanoid in appearance. They are hence ‘familiar.’ Their voice is familiar too, but we know the voice of the Good Shepherd which is based on the word of truth and grace.

Back to what happened. I did not see this thing, but it was like closing my eyes and Shaquille O’Neal’s big brother was there. Shaquille O’Neal is an N.B.A. professional basketball player who is 7’3″ tall and weighs 350 lbs. I was very tired and I thought, “What do you want?” I was not alarmed or scared, but knew this thing had some authority or power I guess. Then I thought I heard this, “This is him?” Then it was gone and I went back to sleep.

I believe for whatever reason, the enemy sent this spirit to either intimidate or entice. He was unsuccessful. What I noticed though is that the enemy spilled the beans so to speak. He was so alarmed about something that he sent this higher-ranking spirit. I guess you could call it that. When I think of what it said, “This is him?” Then I start to wonder what was this spirit told prior to arriving? What was he told to expect? This is what I mean when I say the enemy spilled the beans or played his card. Paul says we are not unaware of the enemy’s schemes or wiles, 2 Cor. 2:11.

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