The truth is in Jesus

The truth is in Jesus. I don’t agree with everything this man says, but I believe he may have received revelation of some sort. The scriptures says in Eph. 4:21,

…the truth is in Jesus.

If the above is true (and it is) then it is very possible what this man is saying is true. It may contain artifacts of his opinions elsewhere, but the fundamental truth of what he is saying is controversial.

His quote,

Now imagine that none of the above ever happened. Consider instead the possibility that the entire story only existed as an abstract potential—a cosmic dream among countless other cosmic dreams—until, in that dream, life somehow evolved to the point that a conscious, sentient being came into existence. At that moment, solely because of the conscious observation of that individual, the entire universe, including all of the history leading up to that point, suddenly came into being. Until that moment, nothing had actually ever happened.

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