Tap on the shoulder

Last night, I was deep asleep and I felt a tap on my left shoulder. I woke up expecting to see my wife and she was asleep. I perceived someone in the room, but didn’t see them.

I am of the opinion that when we are set free by the power of God through His Son Jesus, or when the “old has gone and the new has come”, 2 Cor. 5:17, the enemy attempts to come back for parasitical sustenance, Luke 11:24 (NIV). But in Christ, I am under no condemnation. There is no sustenance for the enemy here. The power of sin, the law, is annihilated in Christ, Col. 2:14-15. Therefore, the old has gone. Now, I am a righteous creature in Christ. My righteousness is injudicable because it is the righteousness which comes by the faith of Christ by revelation of Him.

So, as I am waking up this morning I am tossing and turning in bed. Each time I toss and turn, my head is pounding with a headache. I think to myself, “I know I have authority to cast out evil spirits. I have prayed for healing many times with positive results.” When this thought registered in my mind the headache dissipated and was no more. Once again, “The old has gone, the new has come.” His truth in me is more real than a headache. The Father and His Son do not need my awareness of Him to be. My awareness and consciousness of Him had an effect on me. It makes me whole. It sanctifies me. By revelation, I grow more into His image by grace.

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