New way into the tabernacle

Today, 11/30/09, I was thinking about the tabernacle. The way now into the tabernacle is through Christ. He is love and the only begotten Son of Love. God’s love is the way into the Holiest of Holies. Rom. 2:14-16 speaks of the the law written on our hearts our conscience that bears witness to that law. In Christ, by His precious, holy blood, our conscience is not aware of the judgment of the self-imposed law written on the Gentile heart. Why? Godly supernatural love , real love, does not keep any record of wrongs. Otherwise, it is a love that is only a soulish, emotional infatuation based on self (the old man). This infatuated based love reminds me of the tabernacle under the Old Covenant. A sacrifice of an animal was required to enter into God’s presence.

Rom. 3:20, “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight…”

Rom. 8:1, “[There is] therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh (in deeds or manifestations of the flesh), but after the Spirit.”

1 Cor. 1:29, “That no flesh should glory in his presence.”

From what I’ve seen so far in my short life of 37 years, people (including myself) sometimes “let others in” if a prerequisite based on self-imposed law (because of fear) is met. These prerequisites could be: gifts, acts of service, words of affirmation, touch/affection, and/or quality time. If someone meets these requirements for another there is a potential for idolatry. Huh? Yes, because if that is the only reason they are being let in then it is not love and they are becoming a god so to speak to the person who has the ‘standard’ set in their heart. The caveat is if or really when the person fails to continue to meet the standard then comes judgment and reckoning. The little god will need to pay up.

Christ has already paid the price and did so before the foundations of the earth. He is first and preeminent in everything, Colossians 1. Even though He did it all and paid for us we truly do not owe Him. Why? Because He is good and He is love. What? Yes, that is how good He is, but He is even more than that. The small English language cannot encapsulate His essence and never will.

The Lord told Moses, “I am the ever-existent One” or “I am that I am”. His existence hinges nothing outside of Himself. He is self-existent and there is a reality and truth in this existence by revelation in the heart of the believer.

Because He is and is Love and really all goodness we cannot pay him back, but can be holy offspring as He is holy according to the faith, truth and grace in us of His only begotten Son. Glory unto glory. The universal Church that Christ died for.

Why does one go to the Holy of Holies? To obtain grace and mercy in our time of need. Grace to do and be. Mercy and forgiveness once for all. Also, to have His love diffused into us to love ourselves, others and this creation.

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