Synchronicity 01/11/16

I typically don’t write about this kind of stuff period, but as of late this has been the norm and the frequency has increased dramatically. I felt led to pray today and as I was praying I look up and I see a man who has tattoos of two birds on his chest. I asked him what kind of birds they are he said that they were swallows. I was like that’s very nice. His name was Hunter. He said his family is German also. He said his grandfather has tattoos also, but they are Blue Jays. I find this so peculiar so many things. The three things in particular are : his name is Hunter, he’s German and I’ve been praying the Lord show me the sign (a fleece even like Gideon) with the Blue Jay and today he did. My last name means hunter of the doe. I’m German and the Blue Jay is a  very significant bird in my life with God.

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