Supernatural Renovation

Col. 3:10, “And have put on the new [man] who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him..”

Renewed, renovated. When perfection (Hebrews 6) comes, the imperfect or little is nullified or made obsolete. Perfection is to get to a destination and then to go to another unto fullness. Perfection comes by revelation of Him in me and you! The impartation of God osmotically occurs by grace, faith and revelatory word. He diffuses Himself in you making you into His image over and over and over on a daily basis unto godliness which continues in the lifetime to come. Glory!

I see little old residual pieces of the old me being absorbed, absolved and consumed by Him in me through each revelation that compounds on another in Him in me.

Romans 12:2, “but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

This total, absolute, triune transformation renovates all the old constantly and replaces it with eternal substance namely Christ (The Word become flesh) unto perfection, 1 Cor. 13:10. Revelation of His love edifies and builds up the inner-most person in us by grace and not dead works in His righteousness unto holiness. We are not the ones conjuring the renovation. It is Him in us. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word. It is His faith. He is the author and finisher of our faith. He is the faith-“er” in us.

So, if perfection, or godly substance, or Him, is being imparted what does that mean? Life is being imparted. His Life! He is our life. He cannot die. We partake of His resurrection and death. We are no longer under the curse. Even of death. Ask Enoch, Elijah, Paul, Moses?..Christ.

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