Super self-pity

What is feeling sorry for oneself?

Some thoughts and opinions come to mind.

  • You are not worthy.
  • You have no worth.
  • You cannot justify your worth no matter how hard you try.
  • It’s only happening to you.
  • You are pitiful.
  • No one understands you or your situation.
  • No one cares or loves you.
  • You just can’t win.
  • You may never make it.
  • When will you ever learn anything?
  • Why don’t you try a new anecdotal recipe? It might help.
    • May even come from the pulpit!
    • Maybe some new vitamins, workout routine, haircut, clothes, car, relationship will help?
  • What is the matter with you?
  • You are such a martyr. No one knows, but you.
  • Push a peanut with your nose and keep pushing.

By the way, these are all lies and deception.

After writing these bullets out and this list could go on and on it seems the feeling sorry for oneself is

  • SUPER-
    • self-loathing
    • self-dislike
    • self-hostility
    • self-blame
    • self-reproach

And all is base on self-imposed law apart from Christ. Christ has abolished this self-imposed law in His flesh. It no longer has power. At the cross, Christ took the enemy’s spoils and stripped away his clothes before the universe exposing him to all, Col. 2:15. Paul said he didn’t even judge himself, 1 Cor. 4:3. Paul said Christ set him free from this self-imposed person of death! Rom. 7:24-25.

ONLY CHRIST CAN SET YOU FREE FROM YOU. NOTHING and NOONE else can. He purges the conscience. No other belief or religion can do this. He did it before the foundations of the earth and time.

He whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Darkness cannot comprehend light. Truth stands alone.

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