Substance into words

This blog ties to Spiritual substance deposit.

So, in the Aramaic, patience means,  “Thought without anxiety”. In the Greek, boldness or plainness of speech literally means, “Words without fear.” I see a similarity hear. 1 John 4:18 says, “Perfect love casts out fear.” How do I acquire this perfect love? By grace. John 1:17 says, “Grace came through Jesus.” Jesus said He is THE way. Paul said in Gal. 1:16 that Christ was revealed internally.

How? Someone must be sent to preach the living, quickened, life-giving Word or Logos to the hearer. By the way, Jesus was sent by the Father. Once someone is sent, the hearer spiritually hears the word of God. Faith comes by hearing. In this faith, understanding is given. Understanding is deposited and diffused into one’s being and person. I am of the opinion this faith is a spiritual substance if you could call it that. When it is imparted “thoughts without anxiety” are an attributing effect. After this, “words without fear” are spoken now. The motivation is the passive effect of godly love by grace.

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