
1 Corinthians 2:11,

For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.

Before the Fall, the ‘sub-conscious’ did not exist. The sub-conscious was created after the Fall. The unsaved know what it is, but cannot experience it. The saved in Christ can and do because we [they] have the mind of Christ through revelation.

Excerpt from Psychology Today1:

Instinct and Intuition, as I define it, is this:

  • Instinct is our innate inclination toward a particular behavior (as opposed to a learned response).
  • A gut feeling—or a hunch—is a sensation that appears quickly in consciousness (noticeable enough to be acted on if one chooses to) without us being fully aware of the underlying reasons for its occurrence.
  • Intuition is a process that gives us the ability to know something directly without analytic reasoning, bridging the gap between the conscious and non-conscious parts of our mind, and also between instinct and reason.

Romans 11:29 says,

For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.

I am of the opinion regarding the Psychology Today article, specifically intuition, is man’s attempt to understand this aspect [1 Cor. 2:11] of ourselves. I’ve been chewing on this. What is intuition? The above definition sounds like something has crossed over so to speak from somewhere else. I believe this can and does occur with everyone, but frequency and variation differs. So, why is that? I think that is where Romans 11:29 comes into play. Many are called, but few are frozen. Some individuals because of their calling or how they were created are perhaps more sensitive or maybe even aware of spiritual things because of the gifts and calling of God. If I do not believe in God then calling it intuition provides me an attempt to identify and understand, but not necessarily spiritual understanding.

So, given that what is the mind of Christ. It is what Adam experienced Pre-Fall. Paul, the Apostles and early church were growing unto the full stature of Christ. Well, that’s nice. It is the mind of God in a human vessel. Now, chew on that slowly. It is Colossians chapter 1 in us. From The Beauty of Nullification,

1 Corinthians 13:10 Aramaic, “And when perfection comes then that little becomes nullified.”

Christ and the mind of Christ is revealed in us one revelation at a time. Paul said until Christ be formed in you. Now, what does that mean? I know right. Awesome.

[11/26/15 Update]

I found this word today. I think it is what I’ve been looking for. The word is eidō.

Oida, from the same root as eidon, “to see,” is a perfect tense with a present meaning, signifying, primarily, “to have seen or perceived;” hence, “to know, to have knowledge of,” whether absolutely, as in Divine knowledge.

The differences between ginosko (No. 1) and oida (eido) demand consideration:

(a) ginosko, frequently suggests inception or progress in “knowledge,” while oida suggests fullness of “knowledge”

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