Stop being offered

Hebrews 10:2, “2If it could, would they not have stopped being offered?”

If I am unsure about my walk, my righteousness before God the Father then there is a possibility I could be under self-imposed law even though I am not. If am tired, trying to make things right, walking the tight rope of self-righteousness, looking over my spiritual shoulder, not sure if my next step is sure then this does not sound like liberty or being under grace or being IN Him to me.

The dead works cease to be offered when you are not compelled to offer them. Why? Because He has revealed Himself IN you! He IS our righteousness and our identity is hid in Him.

This also originates back to our conscience being purged from the guilt and knowledge of the judgment of the law. Which the writer of Hebrews discusses further in Hebrews 10. Good stuff. Thank God for our High Priest in the order of Melchizedek.

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