Speed of light – time slows down

Why does traveling at the speed of light slow down time?

“Everything that we see, we see it because of light that is reflected from it. light travels at 186,000 miles per second. So when we travel faster than the light can reflect, things will slow down and eventually stop when we reach the speed of light.”

Revelation of Christ in me makes it seem as if I were inside a spacecraft going the speed of light. If we are becoming logos, godly energy then are we becoming light? Likely. We are children of light growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, 2 Pet. 3:18. If I am becoming light or have knowledge of light then do I have knowledge of its nature? Yes, because God is light, 1 John 1:5, 1 Tim. 6:16. He is and dwells, resides and lives IN light. He is light. The revelatory knowledge of Light metamorphosis’s the vessel in which it dwells. The vessel partakes of the nature of light. In Christ, we partake of His divine nature by hearing the word of truth. This knowledge changes us unto godliness evermore, Titus 1:1.

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