So, what is sound doctrine again?

Did some more digging on auxanō. It is the root of the Greek word for ‘sound’ in ‘sound doctrine’.

It means “to cause to grow, augment, increase, or become greater.”

Two more things come to mind regarding the distinction between revelation from the Lord and sound doctrine. One is, if authentic, legitimate, genuine sound doctrine is received and takes deep root (which it naturally does) it causes an increase in faith, righteousness unto holiness and overall growth.

Fundamentally, it causes authentic, real, non-religious, eternal growth. Hence, a new creation in Christ. This new creation is constantly growing in Him. Otherwise, it is not sound doctrine. In my walk the past few years I know if I am growing spiritually. I know when I am growing spiritually. I used to not know this at all and would constantly question my growth and my spirituality. This would set me up to be pommeled by the enemy or self-abuse due self-judgment or self-condemnation.

In human development, growth occurs at an exponential rate on a cellular level from fertilization, to embryo, to fetus and birth. My point is I believe growth in Christ is exponential as well. It has to be. John 1:16, 2 Cor. 3:18, Col. 1:19. God is exponential in His nature from a microscopic nature to a macroscopic. Quantum physics to the universe and multiple dimensions. At one point in time, man did not know what a quark was ~40 years ago. Now, we have a classification of this type of particle. If all things were created by Him and for Him and all things consist by Him then I am of the opinion there is no end to the molecular universe. It is exponential. It is exponential because a divine, infinite, exponential Creator designed it that way!

This leads to another thing. Sound doctrine supernaturaly creates immovable and eternal foundation, Matt. 7:25, 1 Cor. 15:58. God is all self-sufficient. He is not in need. He created man because He is the Creator. It is in His nature to create. Perfect love is not self-seeking. He was not lonely. This absolute self-sufficiency speaks of His fullness. His fullness is inexhaustible, limitless and more. How can something or someone who is inexhaustible or limitless be moved? There is no fear in Him. Only perfect Love. He is uncompromising, absolute Truth. His Truth is immovable in us. As we grow in Him by revelation, sound doctrine, and experience we become immovable in Him. We become apprehended by the undeniable convincing truth of Who He is and this apprehension becomes us. It is us in Him and Him in us by His enabling power.

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