What is sound doctrine?

Sound doctrine to me is knowledge that manifests itself supernaturally inside my spirit by the witness of the Holy Spirit. It is comparable, but newer than the birth of a child. How is that possible? Not sure, but that is how I can describe it. I know in my ‘knower’ this knowledge existed before me. It is new, but has been around before the foundations of the earth. I like the definition of newness from Romans 6:4: recently made, fresh, recent, unused, unworn, of a new kind, unprecedented, novel, uncommon, unheard of. It is this and more. It has given me power in my life to overcome porn, cocaine, nicotine, deep-rooted resentment, rage, excessive drinking, glossophobia, chicken choking (PG version. This is the truth.), and self-judgment. There’s probably more, but that is what I could think of. What is really the most awesome part is there was a time I did not do the above because “I was not supposed to.” This is not godliness. That is bizarre behavior. It drove me nuts because I would get tired of maintaining some sort of spiritual status quo. Eventually, I would stumble and go on the marry-go-round again. The reason I do not participate or practice any of the above or related behavior is because I sincerely don’t want to. I am serious. That is one of the many reasons behind creating this blog, spiritual freedom and identity in Christ.

The Greek word for sound in ‘sound doctrine’ is hugiaino. The root of hugiaino is auxanō. Auxano can mean the following,

1) to cause to grow, augment
2) to increase, become greater
3) to grow, increase. i.e. plants, infants, multitude of people, inward Christian growth

Sound doctrine metabolizes me. It consumes and absorbs me. It becomes my identity. Sound doctrine is the knowledge of Christ. Isn’t this what Paul talked about in Phil. 3:8-10? As I am metabolized, I perceive an actual inner man in me growing. I am not joking. I perceive him sometimes when I sleep or go to work. This inner man is the resurrected Christ in me! I flipped out when I realized that.  I believe this is why Paul prays for strength in the inner man, Eph. 3:16. Strength by the power of Christ’s resurrection. I believe death has never had power of Christ. If He is in me then death has no power over me. This is possible because death is powerless against resurrecting power. I know this because of sound doctrine that goes into the roots of my being and even deeper than that. I’m serious. As I write this, my belly is filling up (not joking.) With what? Luke 4:4. Revelation of Him. My spirit man is fed. We are triune beings. Spirit, soul and body. All three were created to be fed and nurtured. If the spirit is dead it may not be aware it needs to be nurtured.

I believe Romans 6:17 speaks of sound doctrine entering in and accomplishing its purpose.

I also believe sound doctrine can be tainted with the slightest bit of a doctrine based on works the doctrine is diluted severely. 1 Cor. 5:6, Gal. 5:9.

If someone tells me I have to do anything and I mean anything to justify myself before God and Christ they are a minister of another gospel. 2 Cor. 11:4, Gal. 1:6-7.

The gospel of grace that ministers sound doctrine tells me Christ is my righteousness. 1 Cor. 1:30, Gal. 2:21, Phil. 3:9.

Sound doctrine eternally changes lives for the better. Not unto religion that looks like it. Sound doctrine does not go away. Once it is received, it stays.

Once the metabolic process of absorption begins, it continues its work and the effects are seen in the life to come! 1 Tim. 4:8, Phil. 1:6. This continuance of work is not performed by me, but by His enabling power and ability. Sound doctrine passively dynamic in me. These passive effects enable me to bear the fruit of the Spirit by faith through grace.

Personally, sound doctrine is what I’ve always spiritually desired. It makes my life richer, fulfilling, fun, exciting, easier, endurance for difficult times, and pray or bless someone instead of curse them. It also makes me want more of it. Once you get a taste you want more. Sounds like Phil. 3.

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