Son of mercy

Earlier this month, I meant to write about this, but didn’t get around to it.

On the 5th of this month, my younger son, five years old, accidentally broke his older brother’s paper airplane. Ben, my younger son, approached Aaron, my older son, and said, “Aaron, I broke your plane. It was an accident.” Here was Aaron’s awesome response. He paused, thought about it, and said, “It’s okay Ben.”

I stopped Aaron right there and said, “Aaron, do you know what you just did?” I think he said, “No. What?” I said, “You just showed Ben mercy, son, and that is powerful. God shows us mercy through His Son Jesus. You just showed your brother mercy because you love him.” His posture seemed to align even more straight after I said that and he had a little strut in his walk. I very was proud of him.

I have had the privilege to seen my sons give, protect, share, forgive, love, be patient, and now show mercy when they did not have to. If I learned these things at their age I can’t imagine where I’d be right now. I do not regret where I am. I am here now for them and have the opportunity to pour into them what is in me and what more can I ask for. To see God’s plan and fruit in my children manifest.

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