Singularity of the Heart

Years back, a virtual friend said, “Hey check out this guy Nassim Haramein’s ‘Connected Universe’. I’ll think you’ll like.” Little did I know how much my perspective on things would change. I heard him say this,

“There is a physical place inside your heart that has a singularity. Your heart has a little cavity between the two ventricular, and that little cavity has the highest electromagnetic field of your body, and can be measured up to eight feet away from you; and that’s the battery of life that keeps your heart going. When you die, that singularity is no longer present, and I think that is why there is a bunch of weight that goes missing when people die. The weight is the result of that singularity curving space-time, creating a gravitational effect that we call weight.”
– Nassim Haramein

I pondered this and then started asking myself questions about Adam, the afterlife and much more. Join me and hear my take with my usual twist.

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