Separating from what?

In accordance with Psalm 1:2, I was thinking about Gal. 1:15-16 which says in the Aramiac-to-English translation, “But when (Elohim) willed it, He who set me apart from the womb and from my
, called me to His grace in order to reveal the manifestation of his son that I preached to the nations, I did not explain this to any living person.”

This blog is building on a previous blog, Separating me. It was not my intention to right another blog about separation, but the Word in me is Him and not me and will establish its purpose and not return void.

Verse 15 percolated in my spirit this afternoon and gave birth yet once again and I am persuaded will endlessly continue to do so according to His righteousness and faith by grace.

The Father has called me by his grace and has separated me from the flesh and emotional attachment of my mother to reveal His Son in me. In Him, this separation happened before I was born. It happened before time was created. I was in Him. I am in Him separated for His purpose by grace and truth through the revelation of Christ. This unveiling of Christ by His faith creates a righteous nature apart from dead works or anything I could accomplish in myself. He fills everything. I am made righteous. I AM righteous in Him. I am a righteous creation made by revelation and grace growing more into who I am in Him.

This separation from the fleshly and emotional security and comfort from my mother puts me under His authority making Him my Lord. This spiritually places me under grace and in Him and His grace. Romans 5:2 says, “This grace in which we stand!” I love my mother and father. What I am saying is I came through my parents from the Creator. I spiritually came from God through my parents, Galatians 4:4.

Jesus said, “You will do greater things because I am going to the Father and will send the Holy Spirit.” He has sent His Spirit into our hearts crying, “Abba, Father” as grown and mature sons not infant sons. We are no longer under trustees and guardians, but have an unction from the Holy One in us. This unction reveals all truth. This truth separates from things that are not truth. His love alone is true love. His love absorbs the love of my biological father and mother because He fills all in all in every thought, molecule, time, dimension and creation.

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