Separating me

The past few weeks I have been pretty busy at work and home. Revelation is still there, but I have not been in what I thought was my ‘spiritual groove’ which includes this blog site. This site blesses me immensely when I pour myself and energy into it because the Word does not return void. It gives life. I was asking the Lord, “What is going on? I know I don’t go by feelings, but live only by faith.”

Today, the Lord ministered His response to me, “I am separating you from who you were. You are a different person.” I already thought I knew I was a new creation in Him, but this is still different and new. My life is hid in Him. I have a righteousness by His faith and not of my own. Sometimes I think I get to a point in my walk of where I am starting to gain understanding (and I am) and then the Lord tells me this and I feel almost like I am back at square one, but in a good way. In the best way possible. It is awesome. I believe what I am seeing is my incorruptibility in Him. He is saving my soul making my triune being whole by the revelation of Him. In Him, I am eternally who I am. I have been led in the scriptures lately to reading about being made righteous in Him. Righteousness unto holiness.

In retrospect, it almost seems like I can tell He’s been waiting to tell me something and then bam! He reveals Himself. It will take an eternity to know Him. Thank you Father for you Son and sending Him to my heart.

Whatever you are going through don’t worry about it. Maintain your daily routines and go about your day. He will show up. He always does. Our faith is constantly growing and stretching to be like His faith. It is His faith in us by grace.

I am reminded of several scriptures. Here are a few that come to mind.

Galatians 1:15-16

Romans 3:21-22

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