Self-imposed law is real

At the gym today, I realized some self-imposed law attempted to have an influence on me. I’d been praying about this for a week or so. Gal. 5:9 (NIV) says, ““A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.”

In my thoughts, this ‘self-imposed’ law said I was spritually inadequate because I was not doing something that I was supposed to do. The ‘something to do’ was in regard to ministry. This could be the Lord right? Yes and no. Love does not manipulate. Jesus did not die on the cross to coerce me to salvation. If that is true then the rest of my spiritual walk is a reflection of this same Love. A love that even says I do not owe God back.

We I came to this realization, relief followed soon after. Relief? Wow. That tells me quite a bit. The law or self-imposed law has ability to create and enforce obligation. It can also deceive in attempt to say “it is the right thing to do.” In my walk, this has been a snare. I will walk in and say yes and run myself spiritually ragged as the enemy is waiting with a spiritual upper-cut to knock me down. If I am at rest in Christ, not complacency, then there is nothing to be relieved from because my mind and heart in Christ are guarded by His peace. Peace from the judgment and penalty of the law. Peace from no longer being under the curse. This rest enables me to do and be which is contrary to a coercive obligation.

So, self-imposed law seems to lead to stress. Out of stress, comes the other manifestations: fear, anxiety, doubt, sickness, anger, rage, malice, contempt, bitterness, and the like. If I am aware that I am under grace and not condemnation or judgment then I have peace. Paul says that ‘pressure’ or tribulation works patience or ‘an abiding under.’ Rom. 5:3, “And not only [so], but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;” James said in James 1:2-3, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.”

If faith is real in me, the pressure will only purify this faith each time. Each time pressure comes faith increases and builds on top of the previous occurrence or expounds and deepens the previous occurrence. Eventually, I grow in my faith and understanding in my soul1 that God in me is not stressed, but possesses fullness to overflowing.

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