Self-imposed enmity

Eph. 2:15, “Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, [even] the law of commandments [contained] in ordinances; for to make in himself of two one new man, [so] making peace;”

I create enmity, animosity, hostility, antagonism in myself and put on myself through self-imposed law in my heart.


If I am unable to meet my perception of God’s standards (which I can’t) then these things below are created because I cannot fulfill my self-imposed law in my heart.

I’ve added the prefix self- and italicized words.

self-Enmity1: The quality of being an enemy towards self and others; hostile or unfriendly self-disposition. A state of self-opposition;

self-Animosity2: A feeling of strong self-(dislike, ill will, or enmity) that tends to display itself in action: a deep-seated animosity between two sisters; animosity against one’s neighbor.

self-Hostility3: self-Opposition or self-resistance to an idea, plan, project, etc. This sounds similar to another blog, Anarchism in the church – pseudo-godliness. Makes sense if there is strife in church, family, teams, and so on.


  • Ecology definition – a relationship between two species (Jew vs. Gentile or Myself vs. Self-imposed law) of organisms in which the individuals of each species adversely affect the other, as in competition.
  • An opposing force, principle, or tendency: Her plan to become an actress met with the antagonism of her family. If this is true, then I would be against myself based on my self-imposed law!

After reading these definitions, it seems as though if I have a perception of God’s standard in my life based self-imposed law and I fail to meet it then perfect Love is not casting out fear4 and I am not walking in the Spirit or liberty that I have in Christ. I am walking under judgment due to the failure of not keeping my self-imposed law. This creates self-enmity and no Godly love of myself or in myself. If I have fear or timidity of not keeping the God-standard I think I am supposed to keep then I am making myself a slave by the spirit of fear unto bondage5.

So, why is perfect Love not casting out fear? I receive faith by hearing and hearing the Word of God. This faith brought by revelation makes me a new creature. It supernaturally changes my nature into righteousness like God my Father by His Son Jesus Christ. Revelation of His nature is also of His Love nature. He IS Love. This Love grows in me by grace through faith based on hearing and hearing the Word of God. Revelation casts out fear. Just as darkness is cast out by light. Once you have light, darkness cannot be dark anymore or dwell with light. This is all based on grace and revelation of Christ in us and not what the perception of His love is. My self-imposed law perception apart from Christ is a total contrast than walking and living in Him or revelation unto faith in Him.

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