
The Greek definition of the English word sanctify is “set apart to a proper state of functioning”. This word, “SANCTIFY” is echoing louder in my spirit from the Holy Spirit these days. In the middle of a divorce. Now, possible reconciliation. I pray for the latter of course.

In my prayer and meditation I am seeing this and that is if we (husband and wife) are not sanctified then there will be strife, division and the like. So, how do I become sanctified? By revelation, by hearing the word of truth. If leaven enters it leavens the whole loaf and the loaf is no longer sanctified in the unleavened sense.

When we are sanctified, when we are in our purpose, when every wind of doctrine only flies by and no longer nests, then there is rest, peace, prosperity, life, healing and every good spiritual gift we have in Him.

I discovered a little more about witchcraft today. Samuel said, “For rebellion is as witchcraft.” If I try to control my will, my situation, etc. I am rebelling against His will. Hence, strife and chaos. Only revelation of His will, living by His faith in me, not presumption, will I have true liberty. And when I do or make choices I will because it is according to His good pleasure in me that I partake of. Glory. I am not compelled by fear. Paul said, “What counts is faith expressing itself through love. How is that? Truly, by revelation. Revelation of Him, His goodness towards me, all the wonderful and good things He has accomplished.

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