Rom. 6:6

“Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with [Him], that the body of sin might be (passive voice) destroyed (rendered entirely idle, inoperative or ineffective), that henceforth we should not serve sin.”

The old man is powerless, useless, destroyed, done away with, has lost its power, annulled.

Excerpt1 from :

Might be done away with (2673) (katargeo [word study] from kata = intensifies meaning + argeo = be idle from argos = ineffective, idle, inactive from  a = without + érgon = work) literally means to reduce to inactivity. The idea is to make the power or force of something ineffective and so to render powerless, reduce to inactivity. To do away with. To put out of use.  To cause to be idle or useless. To render entirely idle, inoperative or ineffective. Cause something to come to an end or cause it to cease to happen. To abolish or cause not to function. To free or release from an earlier obligation or relationship. To no longer take place.

The end of the verse says, “…that henceforth we should not serve sin.” I ask myself why? Paul states why earlier in the verse. If the revelatory truth spoken of earlier in the verse becomes quickened rhema word the desire to serve sin is rendered entirely idle, inoperative or ineffective. Corinthians says the power of sin is the law. We are no longer under the guilt and judgement of the law in Christ for those who walk (willing) after the Spirit of God. Old things have passed the new as come. Jesus said, “Behold, I make all things new.” I believe all things means ALL things which would include even my motive.

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