Rip Current

At times in my walk I have perceived what I could only describe as a spiritual current or undertow.
rip current or undertow.

Ezekiel 47
Ezekiel 47:5
Afterward he measured a thousand; [and it was] a river that I could not pass over: for the waters were risen, waters to swim in, a river that could not be passed over.”

There a 7 baptisms. Three that are pertinent are the baptism into Christ when you are saved, baptism by water, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Ezekiel saw a river which depth was ankle, knee, waist deep and then it was a river that could not be passed. Romans 6 says we are baptized or immersed into Christ’s death. Immersion or baptism here means “to be drowned.” I have been drowned in Him, Gal. 2:20.

The other day my family and I went down a “lazy river.” What I noticed was it was very difficult to go against the current and would become tiresome and eventually wear me out. The river constantly moved. It was alive. It did not stop. When I sat in the tube the river took the tube and me along with it. I am not saying to sit in a tube and let the river take you listlessly. In the context of Romans 6, the river drowns you and you die. The power of the river takes over and afterwards you arise from the river a new creature. Jesus says, “Rivers of living water will flow from your belly.” Revelation speaks of a river in the New Kingdom.

Isaiah talks about mounting up with wings as eagles. Ephesians talks about being filled with the Spirit. These are external forces. The wind creating lift for the eagle. Negative pressure created from an airfoil enables the sailboat to move. The overpowering current of the river is an external force. Gravity is an external force. The power of the sun is an external force. Ephesians 1:19 speaks of “the exceeding greatness of His power towards those who believe.” There is an inexhaustible, unlimited resource of power by faith through grace towards those who believe in Christ Jesus.

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