How much does righteousness cost?

Scripture reference:

Rom. 3:23-24, “23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus…

Does this statement make sense? If I don’t tithe, go to church, fast, read my bible, love my neighbor, sing, speak in tongues then I won’t be justified freely by His grace.

My answer is, “NO, it does not make any sense.” Now, some brethren might conjure I am implying you have a license to ‘miss the mark.’ What they are telling me is they are tired of being under the law and I should be under the law or whatever law is it written in their hearts with them. No, thank you. If I do or don’t do the the above things I mentioned how much more justified or righteous am I? That makes no sense either. What I am saying is I can do the things mentioned above and more by grace and His willingness in me. The just or righteous shall live by His faith in them.

So, I can just sit back and do nothing. Yes, but my response is, “Then did you really receive the revelation of Christ insomuch that the effect is to sit and do nothing?” Paul mentions in his letters “another gospel.” He also mentions the good news of grace. This is the true gospel that will deposit and diffuse His will in us. If His will is in me to be and do then anything I could do or do not does not matter because His willingness makes me righteous. It is His faith in me. Once again, the just shall live by faith. This faith creates an enabling ability of obedience or adherence to truth, Rom. 1:5. This adherence manifests as righteousness, but is so much more.

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