
Romans 2 talks about our thoughts condemning us or praising us. Now, in Christ, when old natured thoughts surface or manifest am I condemned?

No. Why?

My right standing with God NEVER changes under grace. It is not its nature. In actuality, my nature now, in Christ, IS righteousness ALL the time.

He is our righteousness and dwells in us. We partake of His righteousness by grace and revelation.

My old nature, the body of this death how Paul describes, is hellbent. It desires to be in control by using the law which empowers the old nature. I have been bought with a price. My nature is new all the time.

So, I can try to condemn myself, but that is just me chasing my tail and not redeeming the time in Christ. Even in my efforts to condemn or praise myself based on the law written in my heart the Father eternally sees me the same as His only begotten, my elder Brother.

Entanglement is just that. So, untangle yourself then. Paul said to cast out the bond woman and her son (legalism, entanglement). Realize and focus on the liberty wherewith Christ has set us free! Amen.

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