Rhema in action

Rhema1 could be looked at as quickened Logos or Word that is spoken or put into action.

Rhema could also be homologeo2 in action. Homologeo is the Greek word for ‘confess’. It means lit., “to speak the same thing” (homos, “same,” lego, “to speak”), “to assent, accord, agree with.”

So, manifesting rhema by His faith in us creates internal homologeo. In Acts 5:12 says, “And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people; (and they were all with one accord in Solomon’s porch.” Homologeo organically initiates personally then communally.

The word here for ‘one accord’ means one or same mind. This one and same mind is the mind of Christ by revelation through grace. Acts 5:12 occurs after the Day of Pentecost and the early church receives the baptism of and into the Spirit of God. This same Holy Spirit quickens Logos (Word) in us into rhema. This rhema is all powerful. It has the enabling power and ability to create unity like no other among mankind! Rhema is for one  God, Spirit, Body, Mind, Will, Baptism, and Love. It does not lean towards a particular church denomination.

So, another example could be speaking rhema to a dead person or someone with struggles in their life. In the act of speaking rhema, homologeo occurs. There is an acknoledgment of truth in the recipient. The recipient does not even need to have faith. Christ, in the speaker, is the Apostle of our faith. His faith is sufficient in the speaker for both the speaker and the recipient. Truth will then apprehend, align, heal, make whole, deliver, enlighten, set free, join together and fulfill its nature and purpose where it manifests. It will not return void. Homologeo is the manifestation of rhema.

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