I am at rest if I BE

Previous blog, Spiritual hereditary rest

I enter His rest BEing in Him,

Hebrews 4:1, “The promise to enter the place of rest is still good..”

  • Rest: κατάπαυσις or katapausis. It means “a putting to rest” or “calming of the winds.”
  • kata means “to diffuse.”
  • pausis or the root, pauo, means:
    • to make to cease or desist
    • to restrain a thing or person from something
    • to cease, to leave off

A engine is at rest in an automobile when it is running. It is not trying to be the engine, but IS. Is being and doing what it was created to be by the Designer.

A tree is a rest by being a tree.

A chair is a rest when someone sits in it.

A baseball is at rest when the pitcher is throwing the ball and the ball is being hit by the batter or caught by the catcher.

Thank you Lord for your rest.

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