
It seems the more I grow IN HIM the more I am REAL. He came from the Father FULL of grace and truth (reality). By revelation and grace, I am growing into His fullness or His fullness in growing in me.

John 1:14, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”

Excerpt from PreceptAustin.Org1,

Truth (225) (aletheia from a = negative ~ without + lanthano = to be hidden, to escape notice, cp our English “latent” from Latin = to lie hidden) means containing nothing that hidden. That which is unconcealed. Whatever God says (is truth).

Aletheia is a reality which is firm, solid, binding. When aletheia is used of individuals, it characterizes their action, their words or their thoughts and conveys the general sense of integrity (integer = one) (See Integrity – A Few Thoughts)

Aletheia speaks of veracity, reality, sincerity, accuracy, integrity (“what you see is what you get”).

Aletheia is the opposite of fictitious, feigned, false.

Aletheia is a key word in the Gospel of John (24x or almost 1 in 4 NT uses – also 28x in John’s epistles – 1Jn =16, 2Jn=5, 3Jn=7) but is much less common in the synoptic Gospels (7x in all 3 Synoptics).

Truth is the correspondence between a reality and a declaration which professes to set it forth. Words are true when they correspond with objective reality: Persons and things are true when they correspond with their profession. Hence a truth is a declaration which has corresponding reality, or a reality which is correctly set forth.

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