He is a real person

He is a real person. Sometimes I think due to unregenerate thinking I have objectified Christ into a symbol and extremely remote idea. Today, 05/05/09, He showed me He is a person as much as, but far more than I am. For example, if I remember my mother who is in heaven now I remember her as a person I had experiences with, talked to. There is a revelation that He is a person as well as all-powerful God. Hebrews 1 and Colossians 1.

In Judges chapter 6, Gideon is talking to the angel of the Lord and realizes it is the Lord Himself. Gideon even says, “I have seen the Lord face to face.” Prior to realizing this, Gideon has a relatively long conversation with the Lord concerning saving Israel from the hand of Midian. Then in Judges 6:22 he realizes he is talking to Adonai Jehovah or “Lord God.” Gideon was talking to a man, Judges 6:13 says “sir.” Galatians 4:4 says He was born of woman. He became a man. So, how could Gideon have seen the Lord God if He wasn’t born yet? Rev. 13:8. God does not dwell in time. The bible says that God sent His son. From where? From eternity into time or this creation.

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