Quantum Coherency and Faith

A while back, I was think about Archibald Wheeler’s participatory universe, DNA and quantum coherency. What is quantum coherency? Here is ChatGPT’s explanation to a fifth grader: 

Alright, picture this: Imagine a group of friends dancing together in a big room. They’re all moving around, having fun, and maybe they’re doing different dance moves. Now, let’s say they decide to do something really cool. They all start dancing in sync, perfectly matching each other’s moves. It looks amazing, like they’re all one big dancing unit.

That’s a bit like quantum coherence! In quantum physics, tiny particles can act like those friends dancing together. They can all be in sync and doing the same thing, which is pretty impressive for something so small!

But here’s where it gets interesting: just like those friends might stop dancing in sync if someone starts watching them closely, these particles can also change their behavior when we try to see what they’re doing. It’s like they get shy and go back to dancing their own dance moves instead of staying in sync.

So, quantum coherence is like a super cool dance routine where particles act together, but only when no one’s watching too closely!

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