Psychology and God’s wisdom

Definition of psychology:

  1. the science of the mind or of mental states and processes.
  2. the science of human and animal behavior.
  3. the sum or characteristics of the mental states and processes of a person or class of persons, or of the mental states and processes involved in a field of activity: the psychology of a soldier; the psychology of politics.
  4. mental ploys or strategy: He used psychology on his parents to get a larger allowance.

I am of many opinions. One is I believe psychology can be used abusively and coercively. I even believe or liken it in someways to witchcraft. Col. 2:18 talks about being vainly puffed up in our fleshly minds. Col. 2:22-23 talks about the commandments and doctrines of men having a show of wisdom. Psychology in its external appearance seems wise, but Paul did not preach with man’s wisdom. He preached the simplicity of Christ being crucified, 1 Cor. 1:23. I don’t need to necessarily figure everything in regard to my psyche, but can know Christ was crucified and why He was crucified. I can know this through and by God’s power.

How can the study or science of the mind have any power over the Creator of the mind?

Behold, I tell you a mystery, “Psychology doesn’t work.” Psychology cannot purge my conscience from dead works, fill me with God’s Holy Spirit, raise the dead, walk on water, part the Red Sea, free me from being under the law, bring true forgiveness, and so on. Psychology can actually put me more under law. If what I am hearing brings me guilt then how can I grow in my walk? There is no condemnation in Christ. Conviction and guilt are different. Somehow, probably through bad doctrine, I used to think guilt was conviction, but it was the effect of the judgment of the law in my heart that I was already dead in Christ to. Paul said to the Galatians, “Who has bewitched you?” Or who has put a curse on you? Who has put law on you? If psychology empowers my fleshly mind without revelation then it could potentially enable self-strength unto strife. So, can psychology help me at all. I’m sure there is truth in their somewhere. The recommendation is to chew the meat and spit the bones so you don’t choke on the bones. Jesus said, “I am the truth.”

The real truth is in the real Jesus and it’s free not $100 per session. This brings up another good point. Jesus is the truth. He only speaks the truth to us. Do Psychologists always do the same? Sometimes we don’t want to hear the truth. Psychologists have relatively wealthy salaries. In all this, God is not impartial, but His love is for everyone. A good friend of mine is a psychologist. She is a Christian also. I have received more from her from just plain conversations than psycho-babble.

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