Proper functioning

1 John 3:3, “3and every one who is having this hope on him, doth purify himself, even as he is pure. ”

John was a Hebrew and possibly a Levite Priest. He most likely was familiar with the definition of the Hebrew word for holy which means, “Set apart from the rest for a special function.”1

In the Greek, the word ‘pure’ from the verse above is the verb hagnizō. Hagnizō can mean “pure from contamination.” It is also comparable and akin to the Greek word hagiazo or sanctify which means “the state of proper functioning.” So, that which is purified by grace, hope and faith is set apart and grows more into the state of proper functioning, wholeness, godliness, and fullness.

The hope of verse 3 is Christ the Hope of Glory! Hope predicates on faith according to revelation and grace.

Reference blog: Set apart through mental osmossis

Instead of having a Need for approval I can be a new creature in Christ no longer under self-imposed law that entangles, condemns and torments me through fear. This new creature is initiated, drowned and immersed into Christ. This new creation grows in the grace and knowledge of Christ. In doing so, the individual becomes more of who they really are in Him and are made pure by grace and not dead works. This righteous nature is part of “the state of proper functioning.”

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