Him we preach

Col. 1:28 says, “Him we preach…

In Acts 8:5 it says, “Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them.”

Philip, the Evangelist, preached Christ. What is so significant about this?

It doesn’t say Philip said, “You’re going to Hell, Sheol, Hades, or Gehenna if you don’t accept Christ in your heart.” This is what I hear today.

Philip also moved in the gifts of miracles and healing, and casted out unclean spirits. Then the Word says in verse 8, “There was great joy in the city.” In verse 12, they ‘believed’ and were baptized. Believing tells me they accepted Christ as Lord and Savior in their hearts, Romans 10:9. I also can’t see people getting baptized because they don’t believe.

My question is then, when did preaching Christ and Him alone not become enough? He is not just ‘enough.’ He is more than that. All the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Him bodily. By Him, all things all held together. He is before all things. He is the First and the Last. The little English word ‘enough’ and all other words in every conceivable language are not ‘enough’ to give Him praise or attribute to Him.

When I accepted the Lord, I asked Him, “If you are who John says you are then show me.” Later in my walk, I was introduced to a doctrine based on fear of going to hell. I believe if my motive of accepting Christ is to avoid going to hell then that is a very selfish motive. I question the authenticity of the salvation.

The reason I do because He is more than enough and accepting Him based on a hell-bent doctrine could be viewed upon as coercive. It also is a selfish motive. It limits the one receiving salvation to only think that is ALL there is to salvation! This is not true. There is so much more. The initial experience of receiving Christ in my heart was only the beginning. Truly, just about everyday He reveals something new which expands, compounds, reinforces, and creates more Life in me. Then He reveals Himself around me as well. What I mean is the effect He has had and is having on me effects others. That is another blog in the works. I guess it is like the nature of light when it reflects. Reminds me of Luke 8 which I previously wrote about.

I have recently discovered that salvation is a continuing experience over a life time. It is not walking a tight rope, but flowing with a mighty, rushing current river and going where the river flows. Rivers have transformed the Grand Canyon. Commerce is near rivers. Cities reside near rivers. Life teems in rivers.

Walking a tight rope one mile high IS NOT the Good News. That is works, self-performance and condemnation. And you will fall off the rope and die or will be a very good circus entertainer yet miserable in your heart with a diluted, very limited salvation based on another gospel really, 2 Cor. 11:4, Gal. 1:6-7.

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